By purchasing a commission from me, Xirf / Isaac Tan (the artist) you agree to be purchasing my services only. If you have a problem with any of the below conditions, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying for your commissioned piece. These terms are subject to change without notice.
I have the right to post images of the commissioned work, incomplete and/or complete, on my social media. Prices are subject to change based on client’s demand. I have the right to decline any order that I do not feel comfortable drawing for any reason. I have the right to decline or cancel any order if the client exhibits any behavior I deem inappropriate.
Prices listed are in USD. Prices listed in the price list are estimates/base prices and will vary based on the client’s demand and style. The final cost and breakdown will be provided (in USD) once I have discussed the work with you thoroughly. All prices are negotiable but will not be allowed to stray too far from the quoted amount. 100% upfront payment is preferred to confirm a commission order. Please discuss with me if you are unable to pay the full price at once for any reason. Currency accepted is USD or MYR (based on service’s conversion rate) and can be paid through PayPal. Do not make any payment before I have accepted your order and requested you to make the payment. Tipping is very much appreciated.
I will notify you when I have started on your commission and you, therefore, lose the rights to a full refund. Client will be messaged on several occasions throughout the working process for reviewing purposes. The amount of reviews depends on the complexity of the work. During the reviews, the client will receive work-in-progress (WIP) images and these images will usually include a watermark. The time it takes to finish one (1) commissioned piece varies 1 week – 1 month depending on factors such as health, personal schedule, order of commission or the complexity of the commissioned piece. Client will be informed should there be any occurrence that will interrupt the progress of the work. Client will receive the full-resolution image and a half-sized image (or any other sized versions if requested) via your preferred delivery method upon completion (Default is Google Drive). I do not make prints or any physical products.
2 rounds of changes is allowed for each review stage (draft/sketch, lineart &Â base color, finalization) per commissioned piece included in the price. I retain the rights to refuse any changes if I deem it too complicated or if it is outside the agreed scope of work. After 2Â rounds of changes, the work will no longer be sent to the client for review until the next stage and I will continue the work with the latest version. A fee will be added should additional/major changes be made - unless a misunderstanding from my side has been made. 1 round of change is allowed for free within 72 hours of the delivery of the commissioned piece.
I, Xirf / Isaac Tan (the artist), retain all rights to the produced artwork, not the client. Therefore I am allowed to:
Promote myself with it in any way with the copyrighted work
Print the copyrighted work
Display the copyrighted work
Anywhere to my liking which includes but not limited to: portfolio, website, social media, chatrooms etc.
The client is allowed to:
Use the commissioned piece for personal use unless agreed otherwise (you may post it on any of your social media profiles, pages, forums, etc.)
Print the artwork and claim the character(s) as their own, but not claim to be the creator of the artwork.
Use the artwork to promote themselves and/or a small business.
Use the artwork on their YouTube channel and in monetized videos as long as the artwork itself is not the main focus of the video.
Note that the client is NOT required to give credit when posting it but it is very much appreciated.
The following is considered copyright infringement:
Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork for commercial purposes (reselling, redistributing, making prints or merchandise for sale, uploading to POD-services, etc.), unless commercial rights have been purchased.
Claiming to be the creator of the artwork
I reserve the full rights to the image and its use/distribution unless otherwise agreed upon (rights to the image for your own non-personal use may be purchased at any time).
I will do all I can to make my customers happy. Please inform me should you have a problem with anything in regards to the commissioned piece as soon as possible so we can find a solution together. I am willing to change some of the terms if you ask before I start on your commission. If for example, you do not want me to share the commissioned works anywhere, we can discuss this. After a commission is finished, only small changes are allowed to be made such as small coloring/marking mistakes, additional details, which is available for free within 72 hours of delivery. Any changes made after that period will be subjected to a fee.
The client is allowed a 50% refund if they cancel AFTER being presented a draft/mockup or sketch. The client is not allowed any refund if they cancel AFTER the completion of the lineart and base colors. If for any reason I am unable to start your commission you will receive a full refund. If you cancel your order before I started it, you can get a full refund. If you are getting a refund, DO NOT request a Paypal chargeback. I will transfer the money back to you myself. If you file a Paypal chargeback at any point when you are not allowed to ask for a refund you will lose all rights to the commissioned piece and I will have the full right to profit further from it in any way. If the client breaks any of the above policies they will lose all rights to the artwork commissioned by me, Xirf / Isaac Tan (the artist), and I will have the right to profit further from the commissioned artwork in any way, including but not limited to selling the artwork to new clients.
I respect the client’s privacy. Client’s personal information (name, addresses, contact information, etc.) will not be shared anywhere online or offline. The client’s personal social media account will not be tagged on my social media posts. However, I may link/share/retweet/repost the work should it be posted as a public post under a non-personal account or page. If you want a shoutout, I'd be happy to do so. In the case of a private commission, the artwork and information about it will not be purposely shared anywhere or used in any way.
Drafts/mockups/sketches that you must choose/approve before I continue the work
Lineart and base colors which you must approve before I continue the work
Full-resolution image file and half-sized image file. Final file formats are usually PNG. You can request for the image to be exported in any format you want, as well as cropped and resized versions of any size you want.
The original work file (.psd, .clip) of your commissioned piece can be purchased for an additional fee.